Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Prince and the Ogress

One day a handsome and astounding prince went out riding. He was prancing along the road when there appeared a great beauty along the side of the road. She was in distress and wanted a lift. So he pulled her up behind him and went clippity clopping along. Eventually she told him she needed a bathroom break, so he let her back down. He waited, and he waited, and he waited. Finally he decided he should probably go look for her, so he traipsed off in her general direction.
To his horror she was no longer beautiful, but instead was a hideous ogress, and she had children. She was explaining to them how she had found a nice young man to eat (in a bad way), and that supper would be on soon. This did not sit well with the prince, so he drew his simitar and killed them. He went back to his horse and road off.

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